股神巴菲特的10大投资建议 一百年人生经验的分享
胡玉亮:家庭财务全衡优化 财商普及专题讲座
捷拍音乐中心:音乐课程学习 音乐素养提升
想学吉他去哪里? 牟川吉他教室
世界这么大 快来跟蜂鸟旅游一起出发吧!
团购:原枝原味 美国威斯康辛州花旗参

Warren Edward Buffett,华伦·爱德华·巴菲特,1930年8月30日出生于美国内布拉斯加州的奥马哈(Omaha,Nebraska),美国投资家、企业家及慈善家,世界上最成功的投资者。
巴菲特是波克夏·哈萨威公司的最大股东、董事长及行政总裁。巴菲特常被称为“奥玛哈的神谕”(The Oracle of Omaha),并以长期的价值投资与简朴生活闻名。
2012年4月17日,巴菲特发表声明称自己已被诊断患前列腺癌,同年9月完成治疗。 由于巴菲特投资股票的眼光独到又奇特,信奉所谓“价值投资法”,投资哪种产业的股票该产业就会走红。因此巴菲特被众多投资人尊称为“股神”。 2022年5月,波克夏·海瑟威公司股东以接近9比1的比例投票支持巴菲特继续担任董事长和执行长。
The future is never clear 未来从来不是清晰的
Uncertainty actually is the friend of the buyer of long-term values.
— Forbes, Aug. 6, 1979
Follow the rules 遵守规则
Rule No. 1 is never lose money. Rule No. 2 is never forget Rule No. 1.
— 1985 televised interview with the economics broadcaster George Goodman
Go long 长期投资(剪花还是浇水?)
[Our] favorite holding period is forever. We are just the opposite of those who hurry to sell and book profits when companies perform well but who tenaciously hang on to businesses that disappoint. [American investor] Peter Lynch aptly likens such behavior to cutting the flowers and watering the weeds.
[我们的]最喜欢的持有期是永远。我们是与那些当公司表现良好就急于卖出股票获取利润相反的人,我们会顽强地坚守那些令人失望的企业。 [美国投资者]彼得·林奇(Peter Lynch)恰当地将这种行为比作剪花和浇水。
— Letter to shareholders for the year 1988
Invest in companies you believe in 投资你相信的公司
It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.
— Letter to shareholders for the year 1989
Stay cool 保持冷静!
The sillier the market’s behavior, the greater the opportunity for the businesslike investor.
— Preface, “The Intelligent Investor,” 2003
It’s during hard times that the winners — and losers — get exposed 在艰难时期 赢家或者输家才真正暴露出来
You only learn who has been swimming naked when the tide goes out.
只有当潮水退去 你才知道谁在裸泳
— Letter to shareholders for the year 2007
Be skeptical. If something looks too good to be true …保持怀疑。当有些事情看起来太好而不像是真的。。。
A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.
— The New York Times, Oct. 16, 2008
Price dips are an opportunity to increase your positions 股价下跌,是你增加仓位的机会。
Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.
— Letter to shareholders for the year 2008
Don’t buy a stock unless you think it’s undervalued 不要买股票,除非你认为它被低估了。
Just buy something for less than it’s worth.
— Lecture to Notre Dame faculty, 1991
Use a bucket, not a spoon 使用一个桶,而不是一个调羹
Every decade or so, dark clouds will fill the economic skies, and they will briefly rain gold.
— Letter to shareholders for the year 2016
Don’t be a fearmonger 不要做一个恐惧者
Fear is the most contagious disease you can imagine. It makes the virus look like a piker. (A piker is one who gambles with small amounts of money.)
恐惧是你可以想象的最具传染性的疾病。 它使病毒看起来像派克人。(派克人是指用少量钱赌博的人。)
— Shareholder meeting, 2020
Trust in American ingenuity 相信美国的创造力
American magic has always prevailed, and it will do so again.
— Shareholder meeting, 2020