绿满山谷:3月8日Sunol Peak爬山召集(含拉练线路)

幸福山脊,Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park,是我们每年春季最喜欢去的东湾的一个公园。东湾公园管理局在2009年收购了1476英亩的泰勒牧场(Tyler Ranch)物业,并在2012年采用了Pleasanton Ridge Land Use Plan,该计划将Tyler Ranch确定为新的集合处(staging area),以提供行人、骑马和自行车的入口,以进入到公园的南端。

2012年,东湾公园管理局还收购了相邻的1368英亩的罗伯逊牧场物业(Robertson Ranch),从大约2150英尺升至苏尔峰(Sunol Peak)的全景。 2022年9月,通过土地使用计划清单修正案(Land Use Plan Checklist Amendment),罗伯逊牧场物业和现有的牧场道路能从Tyler Ranch Staging Area进入。

从泰勒牧场集合处,公园游客将能够进入泰勒牧场小径(Tyler Rach Trail),苏尔岭步道(Sunol Ridge Trail)和罗伯逊物业内的小径,增加了2844英亩的土地和约18英里的步道。



时间:2025年3月8日星期六 9:00AM-15:30PM
地点:12563 Foothill Rd, Sunol, CA 94586(GPS参考地址,参见下面停车位置定位,停车场在Tyler Ranch Staging Area)


拉练线路15迈:Tyler Ranch Staging Area – Tyler Ranch Trail – Sunol Ridge Trail – Bay Valley View Trail – Live Oak Loop Trail – Bay Valley View Trail – Grassland Trail – Sunol Ridge Trail – Sunol Peak – Woodside Spring Trail – Sunol Ridge Trail – Tyler Ranch Trail。

标准线路13迈:Tyler Ranch Staging Area – Tyler Ranch Trail – Sunol Ridge Trail – Bay Valley View Trail – Live Oak Loop Trail – Bay Valley View Trail – Service Road – Sunol Peak – Woodside Spring Trail – Sunol Ridge Trail – Tyler Ranch Trail。

短途线路8迈:Tyler Ranch Staging Area – Tyler Ranch Trail – Sunol Ridge Trail – Sunol Peak – Woodside Spring Trail – Sunol Ridge Trail – Tyler Ranch Trail。


在Tyler Ranch Staging Area集合,坐标:37.59529057644857, -121.8952479235542。停车位有限,请carpool。





Limitation of Liability for Carpool
The driver will not be liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, incidental exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including lost profits arising from the use of the carpool. The driver will not be responsible or liable for any damages arising out of your conduct or conduct toward you, either directly or indirectly, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress or property damage arising from the use of the carpool.



加入我们的微信群及参加相关的所有活动,群员对自己的安全等全权负责,与群主或领队等组织者毫无关系。详见以下英文LEGAL DISCLAIMER。



LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The organizer, assistant organizers, event organizers and event hosts in this group are not professional guides. The function of the organizer is only to organize the trip. Each person who signs up for a trip or outing is responsible for his or her own safety and the safety of his or her guests.

By signing up for a hike, or any other event organized by this group, you are acknowledging that you are aware and have made your guests aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with any outdoor activity and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and further agree to release and discharge the organizer, assistant organizers, event organizers and event hosts of this group from and against any and all liability arising from your and your guest’s participation in the group activities.

Our hike organizers are not responsible for your safety, these are always “Hike at your Own Risk” events.

By accepting membership in this group you acknowledge you have fully read, understand, and agree to the above.
