今日奇闻:加州警方接到报警电话 拨电话的竟是一只卷尾猴
胡玉亮:家庭财务全衡优化 财商普及专题讲座
捷拍音乐中心:音乐课程学习 音乐素养提升
想学吉他去哪里? 牟川吉他教室
世界这么大 快来跟蜂鸟旅游一起出发吧!
团购:原枝原味 美国威斯康辛州花旗参
加州中部San Luis Obispo County(圣路易斯-奥比斯波县)的警察局8月15日在他们官方的Facebook和Twitter账号上发布了一只猴子拨打了911电话的故事,给社区群众增添了几分乐趣。
Our Deputies have seen their fair share of “monkey business” in the County. But nothing quite like this.
It all started Saturday night(8月13日晚) when we received a 911 call that had disconnected. Dispatchers tried to call and text back but they received no response. So Deputies were sent to investigate.
The address took them to the offices of Zoo to You near Paso Robles. No one there had placed the call.
Was someone trying to make us look like a monkey’s uncle?
Then they all realized… it must have been Route the Capuchin monkey.
Apparently, Route had picked up the zoo’s cell phone… which was in the zoo’s golf cart… which is used to travel around the zoo’s 40 acre site.
We’re told Capuchin monkeys are very inquisitive and will grab anything and everything and just start pushing buttons.
And that’s what Route did… just so happened it was in the right combination of numbers to call us.
As you can tell from these photos, Route is a little embarrassed by the whole thing. But you can’t really blame her, after all monkey see, monkey do.