红木和溪水:8月3日Purisima Creek Redwoods爬山召集

Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve位于半月湾,是一座红木公园,其中包含久负盛名的Purisima Creek Trail。在山顶远眺半月湾海景,在谷底享受溪流清凉。

该保护区属于圣克鲁斯山脉,占地 5412英亩,其核心区域是Purisima Creek Canyon。这里有高耸的红杉、湍急的小溪以及蕨类植物、浆果和野花。该保护区由拯救红杉联盟(Save-the-Redwoods League)捐赠200万美元建立。


时间:2024年8月3日星期六 9:00AM-14:00PM
地点:13184 Skyline Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94062(Google Map参考地址)或直接输入Purisma Creek Open Space North Ridge Parking Lot。

线路设计:10迈 难度中等

下山:North Ridge Trail–Whittemore Gulch Trail

上山:Purisima Creek Trail-Craig Britton Trail– Harkings Ridge Trail。



停车位紧张,请互相搭车。除了停车场,路边可停些许车辆。停车场坐标:37.450447643173725, -122.33874632740938。





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The driver will not be liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, incidental exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including lost profits arising from the use of the carpool. The driver will not be responsible or liable for any damages arising out of your conduct or conduct toward you, either directly or indirectly, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress or property damage arising from the use of the carpool.



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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The organizer, assistant organizers, event organizers and event hosts in this group are not professional guides. The function of the organizer is only to organize the trip. Each person who signs up for a trip or outing is responsible for his or her own safety and the safety of his or her guests.

By signing up for a hike, or any other event organized by this group, you are acknowledging that you are aware and have made your guests aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with any outdoor activity and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and further agree to release and discharge the organizer, assistant organizers, event organizers and event hosts of this group from and against any and all liability arising from your and your guest’s participation in the group activities.

Our hike organizers are not responsible for your safety, these are always “Hike at your Own Risk” events.

By accepting membership in this group you acknowledge you have fully read, understand, and agree to the above.
