北加职业球队背书支持Prop 16 以后球员会强行增加亚裔比例吗?
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On Wednesday, a coalition of seven Bay Area professional sports teams unite in support of Proposition 16, lending their star power to rally voters this fall. The Golden State Warriors, San Francisco Giants, San Francisco 49ers, Oakland A’s, San Jose Sharks, San Jose Earthquakes, and Oakland Roots announced their endorsement of the statewide ballot measure to restore California’s equal opportunity programs like affirmative action, and to combat systemic discrimination in public contracting, employment, and education.
星期三(8月19日),七个湾区职业球队联合宣布支持Prop 16,这七个球队是Golden State Warriors、San Francisco Giants、San Francisco 49ers、Oakland A’s、San Jose Sharks、San Jose Earthquakes和Oakland Roots。
他们支持今年的第16号公投提案,其目的就是要在加州重建Affirmative Action(AA,译作平权法案)这样的平等机会项目,以及与在公共合同、雇佣和教育领域存在的系统性歧视进行斗争。
什么是Prop 16?
What is Prop. 16? It repeals Prop. 209, passed by voters in 1996. Here is the content of prop. 209: “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”
Prop 16的目的是要推翻加州1996年公投通过的Prop 209。那什么是Prop 209你呢?请注意209法案的核心内容:加州不得在政府工作、公共教育、政府合同领域针对种族、性别、肤色、民族或者出生地进行歧视或者优待。
既然Prop 16是要推翻Prop 209,那么以后加州宪法就是这样的:加州允许在政府工作、公共教育、政府合同领域针对种族、性别、肤色、民族或者出生地进行歧视或者优待。
从“shall not”到“shall”,一个简单的改变,却会导致在加州种族歧视合法化的根本性转变!
Prop 16的提案中,加州大学的各族裔入学比例一直是一个焦点,提案者认为亚裔的比例过高,需要从法律上提高非裔、墨裔等的学生比例,实现多元化。
有人立即在请愿网站发起了签名,要求球队这么做,因为他们支持Prop 16。
Asians are the Under Represented Minority (URM) in pro sports. Therefore, we (the undersigned), DEMAND that Warriors, Giants, A’s, SF 49ers, Earthquakes, Oakland Roots, SJ Sharks allocate 15% roster spots for Asians (California Asian population) starting in 2020-2021 season, and guarantee no less than 15% game time to these Asians roster spots.