加州人乱穿马路合法了!纽森已签署“步行自由法案” 提案人加州民主党众议员丁右立:因为罚单不成比例地发给有色人种!

2022年9月30日,加州州长纽森签署了由加州华裔众议员丁右立(Phil Ting)第二次提出的“步行自由法案”(Freedom To Walk Act),AB 2147。从2023年1月1日开始,加州人可以在规定的斑马线之外的任何地方穿越马路,只要你认为是安全的即可。


It should not be a criminal offense to safely cross the street. When expensive tickets and unnecessary confrontations with police impact only certain communities, it’s time to reconsider how we use our law enforcement resources and whether our jaywalking laws really do protect pedestrians. Plus, we should be encouraging people to get out of their cars and walk for health and environmental reasons.

Phil Ting

All Californians will benefit from the Governor’s decision to sign AB 2147—the Freedom to Walk Act—into law. No longer will law enforcement be able to stop people who are safely crossing the street and burden them with citations and heaps of debt. For too long, our jaywalking laws were used as a pretext to stop and harass people, especially low-income people and people of color. The reforms enacted in AB 2147 will put an end to that and, in doing so, make all of California safer for pedestrians.

Zal Shroff, Senior Staff Attorney at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area

Jaywalking laws do more than turn an ordinary and logical behavior into a crime; they also create opportunities for police to racially profile. A jaywalking ticket can turn into a potentially life-threatening police encounter, especially for Black people, who are disproportionately targeted and suffer the most severe consequences of inequitable law enforcement.

Jared Sanchez, Senior Policy Advocate for CalBike


加州华裔众议员丁右立(Phil Ting)最近提出了一项新的法案,“步行自由法案”(Freedom To Walk Act),编号AB 1238。该法案一旦获得通过,使行人乱穿马路的行为合法化。丁右立表示,AB 1238法案致力于改革当前的「不公平制度」,建议取消加州对行人乱穿马路而被开出的罚单,并防止警察对此执法而对行人生命造成的威胁。


丁右立说:“无论是一个人的生命还是数百元的罚款,对于一个相对较小的违规行为来说,代价都太大了。是时候重新考虑如何使用执法资源,以及惩罚乱穿马路行为的法规是否真的保护了行人。”丁右立认为AB 1238法案通过以下管道促进道路使用的公平性:






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