加州 | 高价售卖口罩或哄抬物价属于违法行为 面临罚款或坐牢!


2020年3月4日, 加州州长纽森宣布加州进入“紧急状态”,随后加州检察长办公室宣布:从2020年3月4日至2020年9月4日的6个月时间内,加州将实施物价稳定政策,受到保护的物资在此期间的涨价幅度不能超过10%,以应对新冠肺炎疫情,尤其要保持紧急物资以及医疗物资价格平稳。

该法律适用于销售食品,应急物资,医疗用品,建筑材料和汽油的人。 该法律还适用于维修或重建服务,紧急清洁服务,运输,货运和仓储服务,酒店住宿和出租房屋。 如果该企业的劳动力,商品或材料的价格上涨了,则不在该禁止之列。

California law generally prohibits charging a price that exceeds, by more than 10 percent, the price of an item before a state or local declaration of emergency. This law applies to those who sell food, emergency supplies, medical supplies, building materials, and gasoline. The law also applies to repair or reconstruction services, emergency cleanup services, transportation, freight and storage services, hotel accommodations, and rental housing. Exceptions to this prohibition exist if, for example, the price of labor, goods, or materials has increased for the business.

违反价格欺诈法规的人士将受到刑事起诉,可能会被判入狱一年监禁和/或罚款最高10,000美元。 违反者还将受到民事执法行动的处罚,包括每次违法行为最高可判处2500美元的民事罚款,禁令救济和强制性赔偿。 总检察长和地方检察官可以执行该法规。

Violators of the price gouging statute are subject to criminal prosecution that can result in a one-year imprisonment in county jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000. Violators are also subject to civil enforcement actions including civil penalties of up to $2,500 per violation, injunctive relief, and mandatory restitution. The Attorney General and local district attorneys can enforce the statute.


