川普总统俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨演讲全文 中英文对照

因为受疫情影响,各种竞选活动暂停。6月20日,川普总统在俄克拉荷马州(Oklahoma,OK)的塔尔萨市(Tulsa)进行了数月以来的第一次竞选连任造势活动。以下是Donald Trump的演讲中英文对照版本。

Donald Trump:

Thank you, thank you. So we begin, Oklahoma, we begin. Thank you, Oklahoma. And thank you to Vice President Mike Pence. We begin, we begin our campaign. Thank you. We begin our campaign and I just want to thank all of you, you are warriors.

I’ve been watching the fake news for weeks now, and everything is negative. Don’t go, don’t come, don’t do anything. Today it was like, I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve never seen anything like it. You are warriors, thank you.

We had some very bad people outside. We had some very bad people outside, they were doing bad things. But I really do, I appreciate it. We have just a tremendous group of people in Oklahoma. And I hear, I hear from your two great Senators and your governor that we’re doing very well in Oklahoma, that’s the word. That’s the word. I stand before you today to declare the silent majority is stronger than ever before.

Five months from now, we’re going to defeat sleepy Joe Biden. Boy, does he get a pass from these people, huh? We’re going to stop the radical left. We’re going to build a future of safety and opportunity for Americans of every race, color, religion, and creed. Republicans are the party of liberty, equality, and justice for all. We are the party of Abraham Lincoln and we are the party of law and order.

Think of what we’ve done. We will have close to 300 federal judges appointed and approved by the end of my first time, that’s an all time record. That’s an all time record. I’ve always heard how important judges are. Now we know how important they are. Think of that over 300, around 300, by the end of the term. And when we have another four years, we’re going to have a big, big percentage of the total number. Very important, November 3rd.




从现在开始的五个月,我们将击败困倦的乔·拜登(Joe Biden)。他能从你们这里获得通行证吗?我们将阻止激进左派!我们将为每个种族、肤色、宗教和信仰的美国人建设一个安全和机遇的未来!共和党是自由、平等和正义的党!我们是亚伯拉罕·林肯的政党,也是法律和秩序的政党!


Donald Trump:

And two great Supreme Court judges. So we have two justices of the Supreme Court, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Kavanaugh, they’re great. They are, they’re great. We have two. And we could get a few more, yeah, we can get a few more.

We’ve spent over $2 trillion to completely rebuild the unmatched strength and power of the United States Military. And all of that incredible equipment, whether it’s submarines or missiles or rockets or jet fighters, bombers, it’s all built in the USA. We passed V.A. Choice. Thank you very much, Jim. Where’s my Senator? Jim Inhofe, you better vote for him, he’s running, he’s great.


我们已经花费了超过2万亿美元彻底重建了美国军队无与伦比的强大和力量。 所有那些令人难以置信的设备,无论是潜艇、导弹、火箭,还是喷气式战斗机、轰炸机,都是在美国制造的。 我们通过了退伍老兵关怀法案(V.A. Choice)。 吉姆,非常感谢你。 我的参议员在哪里? 吉姆·英霍夫(Jim Inhofe),你最好为他投票,他在竞选,他很棒。

Donald Trump:

But we’ll get to him and James Lankford in a second, two great Senators. You have two great senators. So we passed V.A. Choice. So if you’re a veteran, for years and years, they’ve wanted to do it for almost 50 years, we got it done. We get a lot of things done.

And so if you’re a veteran and you have to wait on line for one week, two weeks, three weeks, five weeks, seven weeks, two months. What happens is you go outside, you get a private doctor, you get fixed up and they pay your bill. We take care of the bill. We take care of the bill and you get immediate service. It’s never happened before. And our approval rating at the V.A. is now 91%, that’s how good it is. Never been anywhere near that number. Never been anywhere near that number.

但是,我们很快就会见到他和詹姆斯·兰克福德,两位伟大的参议员。 你们有两位伟大的参议员,所以我们通过了退伍老兵关怀法案。因此,如果你是一位退伍军人,多年以来,快50年了,你们一直希望得到这个法案,我们终于完成了!我们完成了很多工作。

如果你是退伍军人,你必须排队等待一个星期,两个星期,三个星期,五个星期,七个星期,两个月。 现在如果你到外面去,你会得到一名私人医生,你得到照顾而他们会付账。 我们负责账单和你得到立即的服务,这从来没有发生过!我们V.A.现在的批准率是91%,简直太好了!从来没有过这样的数字!