华裔高中生Stanley Zhong被16所名校拒绝 却被Google录取 你想知道高中生如何进入谷歌吗?

这位来自宇宙中心硅谷Palo Alto的18岁Gunn High School的高中华裔毕业生Stanley Zhong,这两天被电视台ABC报道后,立即冲上了热搜!


MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cornell University, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Georgia Tech, Caltech, University of Washington and University of Wisconsin


大学招生专家经常告诉申请者,像麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学这样录取率低于5%的学校,被拒绝的概率几乎适用于所有人,但Stanley Zhong这样具有优异成绩的学生居然被加州理工大学圣路易斯奥比斯波分校拒绝是不寻常的,要知道该校录取的工程专业的GPA仅处于中等水平为4.13-4.25。

在收到一封又一封的拒绝信之后,只有两所大学接受了Stanley,德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)和马里兰大学(University of Maryland)。Stanley在一些沮丧的心情中准备接受德克萨斯大学的录取,但正在此时,他收到了宇宙中心顶级的互联网公司Google的录用-全职软件工程师,而且就在这个金秋十月开始上班了!



Our focus is on demonstrated skills and experience, and this can come through degrees or it can come through relevant experience.

Tom Dewaele, Google’s vice president of People Experience

按照这位资深人士Brian Schmitz的意见,Stanley Zhong是属于这一类的高中毕业生。

根据另一位资深人士Jessica Ewing的经验,这一类人的简历会比较突出:

 It usually made it to the top of the pile because that person had done something exceptional, unusual, bold, or inspiring. 


也有人对Stanley Zhong得到Google的职位有疑问:

There have been speculations about whether family connections played a significant role in the hiring decisions. For example, the fact that Stanley Zhong’s father Nan Zhong is engineering manager at Google may lead to concerns that a reference or recommendation from that parent, who holds a high-ranking position, influenced the hiring process.

Moreover, some have pointed out that the Stanley Zhong’s primary background in the case was founding a startup that utilized services from a major tech company, like Amazon Web Services (AWS). This situation has led to discussions about the potential overlap between the teenager’s career development and the parent’s professional connections, as Nan Zhong happens to be previously software engineer manager at AWS.


So having applied to Google multiple times on different referrals and gotten exactly 0 interviews, I can say that it probably doesn’t affect your application to have “connections” nearly as much as you’d think. In any case, he did competitive programming on the side and he was certainly very good at it, which makes the interview portion trivial to pass.

> Moreover, some have pointed out that the Stanley Zhong’s primary background in the case was founding a startup that utilized services from a major tech company, like Amazon Web Services (AWS). This situation has led to discussions about the potential overlap between the teenager’s career development and the parent’s professional connections, as Nan Zhong happens to be previously software engineer manager at AWS.

This is BS. Every web app runs on some cloud infrastructure (or I guess on-prem is an option if you have a lot of money), but as a high school student your budget will be determined based on how much free credit you’ll get. Google Cloud and AWS both have generous amounts of free credits for startups, so realistically these were the two best options. I think it’s slightly easier to get AWS credits than Google, but regardless, they’re pretty easy to get (I have a friend who has gotten tens of thousands of dollars worth of free credits for simply having registered an LLC and getting a Mercury account).


Bay Area high school grad rejected by 16 colleges hired by Google