事态严重!旧金山宵禁无限期延长 晚上8点后不要出门!


市长London Breed说,州长Gavin Newsom已经批准从其他单位抽调200名警察来支援旧金山。

In watching the videos, I was extremely upset because unfortunately with some of the vandals, they thought this was a game, they thought this was funny. And this is not funny. To damage property, to set fires that could lead to someone else’s death, to do the kinds of things that destroy and tear down our city as a symbol of what is going on … this is not who we are. We should not be OK with this.


As an African American man, I think I know probably more than most how it feels. I know both sides of this equation. We’re seeing violence across the country, we’re seeing peaceful protests across the county … We do hear you. We do hear you. Your mayor hears you, your chief of police hears you, the San Francisco Police Department hears you.

Police Chief Bill Scott:作为一名非裔美国人,我想我比大多数人懂得这种感受。我了解双方。我们看到了全国正在上演的暴力事件,也看到了和平的抗议。我们听到了你们的声音,我们听到了你们的声音!你的市长听到了你的声音,你的警长听到了你的声音,旧金山警察局听到了你的声音!
