
安利纽崔莱有一款产品叫银杏苁蓉片,英文说的是Memory Builder with  Ginkgo。英文宣传的是增强记忆力,在中国销售产品却强调是增强性功能,真是令人啼笑皆非。看他们的文宣都令人脸红心跳:



As we age, our mental acuity naturally declines. Take steps now to help stay mentally sharp tomorrow.

Nutrilite® Memory Builder® dietary supplement contains a unique and complementary combination of standardized extracts of ginkgo biloba and Cistanche tubulosa. Research suggests ginkgo biloba provides quick support for mental performance, 4–6 hours after taking, while preliminary research shows that daily intake of 300 mg of Nutrilite’s standardized Cistanche tubulosa may improve memory, focus, and recall over a longer period of time, or a period of weeks.


Preliminary scientific research demonstrates that the exclusive Cistanche extract in Nutrilite® Memory Builder® supplement improves memory, focus, and recall in healthy people.

The Cistanche extract in Nutrilite® Memory Builder® helps protect and nourish the brain by supporting optimal blood flow. It also serves an antioxidant function, helping to protect against cell damage, including damage to the brain cells.

Cistanche is a plant that is native to China and has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. It helps to support communication between brain cells by maintaining levels of important brain chemicals and has traditionally been used to help support anti-aging.

Nutrilite® Memory Builder® also contains ginkgo biloba, which is well known for helping to support brain health.

Ginkgo biloba can help to improve blood flow to protect and nourish the brain.

这里提到的两大成份,一是Cistanche,二是ginkgo biloba,及肉苁蓉和银杏叶。据介绍,苁蓉又名大芸,主产于内蒙古自治区的阿拉善盟。中医称其为地精或金笋,是极其名贵的中药材,素有“沙漠人参”之美誉,历史上就被西域各国作为上贡朝廷的珍品。





可以看出,英文宣传中没有任何一个地方提及滋阴壮阳。中文的补肾益精在中文宣传页上对应的英文是汉语拼音:Bushenyijing,前面的改善记忆则很正确:Improve memory(见本文第二张图片)。可见英文信息更加可靠一点。


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