春天的牛仔队:3月20日Los Vaqueros爬山召集

Los Vaqueros Watershed包含18500英亩的水域保护区和1900英亩的水库本身。水库蓄水高达160000英亩-英尺,折合大约52亿加仑。这里的水主要供应Contra Costa County中部和东部的居民。

独特的区域,造就了与众不同的爬山路线,尤其在春天里,起伏的绿色山峦和辽阔的水面相映,令人心旷神怡。 Vaqueros是西班牙语,即牛仔的意思。在这个春天,我们就是牛仔爬山队! 往期游记


时间:2022年3月20日 星期日 9:00AM-17:00PM
地点:County Line Staging Area/7000 Los Vaqueros Rd, Byron, CA 94514(GOOGLE MAP参考地址,停车指南附后)


单向(红色线段):County Line Staging Area-Black Hills Trail-Valley View Trail-Black Hills Trail-Canada Trail-Los Vaqueros Rd-Los Vaqueros Marina-Los Vaqueros Trail-Peninsula Trail-Peninsula Crest Trail-Badger Pass Trail-Oak Savannah Trail-Los Vaqueros Trail–Los Vaqueros Road-County Line Staging Area

湖边线路:Los Vaqueros Marina-Los Vaqueros Trail-Peninsula Trail-Peninsula Crest Trail-Badger Pass Trail-Oak Savannah Trail-Los Vaqueros Trail-Los Vaqueros Marina。全程8迈。

由于保护Golden Eagle,有些路段可能临时封闭,敬请留意。


在County Line Staging Area集合,参考地址:7000 Los Vaqueros Rd, Byron, CA 94514。请在580上Vasco Rd出口下。





Limitation of Liability for Carpool
The driver will not be liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, incidental exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including lost profits arising from the use of the carpool. The driver will not be responsible or liable for any damages arising out of your conduct or conduct toward you, either directly or indirectly, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress or property damage arising from the use of the carpool.



加入我们的微信群及参加相关的所有活动,群员对自己的安全等全权负责,与群主或领队等组织者毫无关系。详见以下英文LEGAL DISCLAIMER。



LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The organizer, assistant organizers, event organizers and event hosts in this group are not professional guides. The function of the organizer is only to organize the trip. Each person who signs up for a trip or outing is responsible for his or her own safety and the safety of his or her guests.

By signing up for a hike, or any other event organized by this group, you are acknowledging that you are aware and have made your guests aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with any outdoor activity and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and further agree to release and discharge the organizer, assistant organizers, event organizers and event hosts of this group from and against any and all liability arising from your and your guest’s participation in the group activities.

Our hike organizers are not responsible for your safety, these are always “Hike at your Own Risk” events.

By accepting membership in this group you acknowledge you have fully read, understand, and agree to the above.
