明州进入紧急状态 出动国民警卫队维持秩序 湾区警察工会发表联合声明 涉事警察被捕

5月25日明尼苏达州(明州)明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)一名46岁非洲裔男子乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)遭遇白人警察暴力执法,被警察跪压喉部7分钟后死亡。

悲剧不仅引发了全国舆论的强烈抗议,而且引发了多地以黑人为主的抗议活动。四名涉事警察已被开除,但民众的怒火并未平息,现在那名跪在弗洛伊德脖子上的警察德里克·沙文(Derek Chauvin)已经被捕。




What we saw on that video was inconsistent and contrary to everything we have been taught, not just as an academy recruit or a police officer, but as human beings. Reverence for life in every incident a police officer encounters must be the floor and not the ceiling. We cannot see any law enforcement or self-defense rationale for what occurred. We are equally disturbed by not seeing any of the other officers on scene intervene to prevent this tragedy.

我们从视频上看到的,与我们所学的一切不符,不仅是作为学院的新兵或警察,而是作为人类。 在警官遇到的每一次事件中,对生命的崇敬必须是最低要求,而不是最高要求。 对于所发生的事情,我们看不到任何执法或自卫的理由。 同样令人不安的是,没有看到其他任何现场警员介入以防止这一悲剧发生。

What’s depicted in that video is not who we are as law enforcement professionals. We actively train and seek training, to safely manage similar situations we encounter to ensure safe resolutions. On the very same day of Mr. Floyd’s death, there were literally millions of encounters and interactions with public safety professionals throughout our country that were peaceful, respectful, and problem-solving oriented. We will not let the failures shown in this incident tarnish the hard work and sacrifice of those officers who get it right on a daily basis. Our deepest sympathies go out to Mr. Floyd’s family, their pain and grief must be unbearable.

该视频中所描绘的并不是我们作为执法专业人员的身份。 我们积极培训并寻求培训,以安全处理遇到的类似情况,以确保安全解决方案。 在弗洛伊德先生去世的同一天,全国的警察应该进行了数百万次类似的事件,这些事件都是以和平、尊重和解决问题为导向的。 我们不会让这一事件中显示的失败玷污那些每天都在以正确的方式做事的警官们所付出的辛勤工作和牺牲。我们对弗洛伊德先生的家人深表同情,他们的痛苦和悲伤是无法忍受的。


The men and woman of the Oakland Police Department are deeply disturbed at what we observed in the video involving George Floyd and the Minneapolis Police Department. It is paramount for us to continue to build trust and relationships with our community members and this reflects on all of us in our profession.

奥克兰警察局的全体人员对我们在视频中看到的乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)和明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)警察局的录像深感不安。 对于我们而言,继续与社区成员建立信任和关系至关重要,这反映在我们整个职业上。

We at the Oakland Police Department train and practice that all of our officers treat every individual with dignity and respect.We stand with our community in denouncing this incident and all incidents of police brutality. We stand with all in our community who have traditionally been marginalized, oppressed and who have been harmed by our systems and institutions. We extend our deepest condolences to George Floyd and his family.

我们奥克兰警察局训练并实践我们的所有警官都应以尊严和尊重的态度对待每个人。我们与社区一道,谴责这一事件和所有警察暴行事件。 我们与社区中所有传统上被边缘化、被压迫并受到我们的制度和机构伤害的人站在一起。 我们向乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)及其家人致以最深切的慰问。