脑洞大开 加州33项新允许的户外活动图解
胡玉亮:家庭财务全衡优化 财商普及专题讲座
捷拍音乐中心:音乐课程学习 音乐素养提升
想学吉他去哪里? 牟川吉他教室
世界这么大 快来跟蜂鸟旅游一起出发吧!
团购:原枝原味 美国威斯康辛州花旗参
相关阅读:吃一千长一智 居家隔离令最贵罚单开出
Athletics 田径
Badminton (singles) 羽毛球(1-1单打)
Throwing a baseball/softball 投掷棒球/垒球
BMX biking BMX自行车
Canoeing (singles) 划独木舟(单人)
Crabbing 抓螃蟹
Cycling 骑自行车
Exploring Rock Pools 探索岩池
Gardening (not in groups) 园艺(非小组)
Golf (singles, walking – no cart) 高尔夫球(单人,步行,不能使用推车。旧金山市不允许。)
Hiking (trails/ paths allowing distancing) 爬山(允许保持六英尺社交距离的路线或道路)
Horse Riding (singles) 骑马(单人)
Jogging and running 慢跑和跑步
Kite Boarding and Kitesurfing 风筝冲浪
Meditation 冥想
Outdoor Photography 户外摄影
Picnics (with your stay-home household members only) 野餐(只能家人参加)
Quad Biking 骑四轮车
Rock Climbing 攀岩
Roller Skating and Roller Blading 轮滑和溜冰
Rowing (singles) 划船(单人)
Scootering (not in groups) 踏板车(非小组)
Skateboarding (not in groups) 滑板(非小组)
Soft Martial Arts – Tai Chi, Chi Kung (not in groups) 软武术-太极、气功(非小组)
Table Tennis (singles)乒乓球(1-1单打)
Throwing a football, kicking a soccer ball (not in groups) 投掷橄榄球,踢足球(非小组)
Trail Running 越野跑
Trampolining 蹦床
Tree Climbing 爬树
Volleyball (singles) 排球(单人)
Walk the dog 遛狗
Wash the car 洗车
Watch the sunrise or sunset 看日出或日落
Yoga 瑜伽
San Mateo County
San Mateo County’s order differs from the orders in other counties by restricting outdoor recreation to within 10 miles of a person’s residence. This restriction applies not only to San Mateo County residents but also to residents of other counties who wish to travel to San Mateo County for outdoor recreation.
Residents of other counties are not prohibited from entering San Mateo County for other activities allowed by the order, but this provision, which is consistent with the State order, does prohibit those living more than 10 miles from San Mateo County from traveling to San Mateo County for recreation.
来源:San Mateo County
Santa Clara County
新命令允许使用不会招引群聚或排除触摸频率高的设备的共用户外康乐设施。但是,每个人都必须遵守州或地方当局要求的任何限制措施。来源:Santa Clara County
Alameda County, Marin County, Contra Costa County跟Santa Clara County对户外娱乐的要求差不多,可以查看他们的官方发布了解详情。